GIE for Cypher

We have implemented Neo4j’s Bolt protocol for you to connect your Neo4j applications to the GIE’s Frontend service.

Your first step is to obtain the Cypher endpoint for the Bolt connector

  • Follow the instruction while deploying GIE in a K8s cluster,

  • Follow the instruction while starting GIE on a local machine.

Connecting via Python Driver

GIE makes it easy to connect to a loaded graph with Neo4j’s [Python Driver]](

You first install the dependency:

pip3 install neo4j

Then connect to the service and run queries:

from neo4j import GraphDatabase, RoutingControl

URI = "neo4j://localhost:7687"  # neo4j:// + Cypher endpoint you've obtained
AUTH = ("", "")  # We have not implemented authentication yet

def print_top_10(driver):
    records, _, _ = driver.execute_query(
        "MATCH (n) RETURN n Limit 10",
    for record in records:

with GraphDatabase.driver(URI, auth=AUTH) as driver:


A simpler option is to use the interactive object for submitting Cypher queries through GraphScope’s python SDK, which is a wrapper that encompasses Neo4j’s Python Driver and will automatically acquire the endpoint.

Connecting via Cypher-Shell

  1. Download and extract cypher-shell

    unzip && cd cypher-shell
  2. Connect to the Bolt connector with the Cypher endpoint you’ve obtained

    ./cypher-shell -a neo4j://localhost:7687
  3. Run Queries

    @neo4j> Match (n) Return n Limit 10;